The Franklin County Sheriff’s Department second annual "Hometown Heroes" event happens on Saturday from 4pm to 8pm at the Southern Middle Tennessee Pavilion in Winchester. This is guaranteed to be a family fun event, and they’re even promising a Unicorn and a Buffalo.
Here is the schedule:
4 pm to 8 pm: The event will be open to the public.
5 pm: K9 demonstration in odor detection and patrol deployment skills.
6 pm: Police vs Fire tug of war. 10 v 10. Team Captains Chuck Williams and Sam Davidson.
7 pm: Count votes for best-in-show patrol and fire vehicles. Announcing winners and awarding trophies. Followed by drawings for the event giveaways.
7:45 pm: Mock DUI crash inside the pavilion with a live skit performed by the Franklin County High School Criminal Justice Program.
Close out the event with all emergency services vehicles activating their lights for an aerial photo by Scott Smith.