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  • Writer's pictureLucky Knott

New Tullahoma Mayor and Aldermen sworn in

Tullahoma now has a new mayor as Lynn Sebourn was sworn into office this week.  In addition, new Tullahoma Aldermen Matthew Bird, Sernobia McGee and Busch Thoma were also sworn into office this week to replace the outgoing alderman seats.

With Sebourn’s newly elected mayoral seat, he will no longer be able to serve as the chairman for the Tullahoma Area Economic Development Corporation, which will add a vacant seat. He also announced the vacancy of unexpired term on the Tullahoma Airport Authority Board that expires on Feb. 27, 2029.

He encouraged citizens who were interested in filling either vacant seat can submit a citizen’s participation form along with a resume with their qualifications. The forms will be accepted for 30 days so the board can look over the candidates before the next meeting.

Anyone interested can contact Tullahoma City Hall at 931-455-2648 for more information.


Photo Credit: The Tullahoma News

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