In today’s world of 24-hour news cycles, changing technologies, and push-button gratification, it is a challenge to stay connected to the values that our great country was built on. Ideals such as integrity, commitment, and personal responsibility are what the founding fathers relied on to win our independence and to then make America a great nation. At Project Appleseed™, we are dedicated to keeping these timeless values alive. Project Appleseed™ is a fast-growing, 501(c) (3) non-profit educational community of dedicated volunteers. We promote civic responsibility through the teaching of colonial history and the American traditions of rifle marksmanship. Even after all of these years, there is much to be learned from our forefathers’ examples of perseverance, commitment, and civic virtue. With a full calendar of shooting clinics and events, Project Appleseed™ is here to make sure these timeless principles live on for generations to come.
The cost for this two-day clinic is $75 for adults and $30 for youth under 18. Law enforcement, active and reserve military and guard, and others receive discounts.
The Project Appleseed rifle marksmanship clinic will be held on August 31 and September 1 at Arnold Air Force Base, at Rifle Range Road, Manchester, TN 37355.
From I-24, get off at exit 117 southeast of Manchester and proceed west on Arnold AFB's Wattendorf Memorial Highway towards Tullahoma, about 8-9 miles. Watch for the signs for the AEDC Rifle Range and Tennessee National Guard Ranges, and turn right on Rifle Range Road. Once on the Rifle Range Road, cross railroad tracks, then about 1/8 to 1/4 mile, turn right into the Rifle Range complex; there is a Vietnam-era Armored Personnel Carrier on display just inside the gate. Follow the Appleseed Signs to the General-Purpose Range.
From Tullahoma, at the light on Highway 55, as you are leaving Tullahoma, turn right on the AEDC Access Road, which becomes Wattendorf Memorial Highway. Once on base, drive approx. 2-3 miles, watch for the rifle range signs and turn left on Rifle Range Road. Cross a railroad track, and a few hundred yards later, turn right at the range entrance.
Registration begins at 8 am. The clinic starts at 8:30 a.m. and will continue until 5:00 p.m.
Participants are taught fundamental rifle marksmanship skills that allow a rifleman to be accurate out to 400 yards, with iron sights or a scope, a standard rifle, and surplus ammo. Most of the instruction at a Project Appleseed event is conducted on the firing range at 25 yards, at reduced size targets to simulate 100 to 400 yards. Students will learn rifle shooting from the standing, sitting, kneeling, and prone positions, sight alignment, and breath control, along with safe gun handling, proper use of a sling, and Revolutionary War history.
Please bring your own ear/eye protection, a rifle with a sling, ammunition, rifle mat, bug repellent, hat, sunscreen, a packed lunch, snacks, drinks, and plenty of water to stay hydrated. Both centerfire and rimfire rifles are allowed. About 500 rounds of ammunition are needed.
To register online, go to www.appleseedinfo.org. For more information, contact the Tennessee State Coordinator at TN@appleseedinfo.org or (731) 695-2147.