The TSSAA Legislative Council met on Tuesday, February 4 in Mt. Juliet to determine whether to amend the Transfer Rules and/or the Residence Rule. All three proposals presented to the Council were denied as written, although the Council had extensive discussion regarding plans for future proposals.
The Council has asked for a special called meeting prior to the regularly scheduled April meeting. In preparation for that special called meeting the staff has been charged to bring language for the Legislative Council’s consideration which would allow a transfer without loss of eligibility if the transfer is for reasons unrelated to athletics. The staff was also charged with bringing back potential changes to the residence rule which would make the rule apply equally to all students.
The full meeting summary can be found belowÂ
February 4, 2025 Mt. Juliet, TN
1. Welcome
2. Roll Call
3. Legislative Update
4. Old Business
The Legislative Council will discuss and decide whether to amend the Transfer
Rules and/or the Residence Rule. The discussion will include, but not be limited
to, the following existing proposals by member schools (Supplement #1 contains
each proposal):
a. Denied the proposed change to Article II (Eligibility) of the TSSAA Bylaws
as written, which includes several provisions which would amend the
eligibility rules for boarding schools and boarding students (submitted by
McCallie School, The King’s Academy, and Girls Preparatory School.
b. Denied the proposed change to Article II, Section 13 (Eligible Transfer
Students) of the TMSAA/TSSAA Bylaws as written, which would allow
students transferring for academic reasons to retain their varsity eligibility,
provided the previous school administration confirms the transfer was for
educational reasons and unrelated to athletics (submitted by St. Andrew’s
- Sewanee School).
c. Proposed changes to Article II (Eligibility) of the TSSAA Bylaws
(submitted by Baylor School)
 Voted to deny as written the first proposal that would allow students to
transfer once following completion of the 9th grade without loss of
athletic eligibility. Any subsequent transfers would be subject to the
current Residence Rule and Transfer Rules.
 Denied as written the second proposal would allow a foreign
exchange student to participate in athletics for the number of years
that correspond with the students’ grade of enrollment at the member
school, subject to all other existing eligibility rules.
d. The Council has asked for a special called meeting prior to the regularly
scheduled April meeting. In preparation for that special called meeting
the staff has been charged to bring language for the Legislative Council’s
consideration which would allow a transfer without loss of eligibility if the
transfer is for reasons unrelated to athletics. The staff was also charged
with bringing back potential changes to the residence rule which would
make the rule apply equally to all students.